Meet LunHer's Writing Team
Our Editorial Standards
At LunHer, we believe in science, research, and most of all, you. We know you know your body best, and we're here to help you go from just getting through your day to conquering it. Our articles are built on research and studies, medical knowledge, and a strong review process — each new article we write goes through vigorous vetting by both an editorial expert and one of our experienced naturopathic doctors. We keep up with the latest science and research, and are often updating our articles as new information becomes available. We're committed to making wellness information available to you in ways that are helpful and actionable.
Because we take your health as seriously as you do.
Our Editorial Team
Our Editorial Team is made up of writers, experts, and health enthusiasts, all dedicated to giving you the information you need today. Our team is here to answer your biggest wellness questions, read the studies for you, and introduce you to your new favorite product, staying up to date on the latest research, trends, and science. Each article is written by one of our experts, reviewed both for editorial standards by an editor and medical standards by one of our naturopathic doctors, and updated regularly as new information becomes available.
Our Guest Contributors
Dr. Aisling Lanigan, N.D. - Founder & Naturopathic Doctor
Dr. Aisling Lanigan is a Naturopathic Doctor, leading Women’s Health Expert, speaker, entrepreneur and mother. She is the creator of The Preg-Tox Preconception Health Program and Flourish Health Clinic owner. Aisling maintains a private practice at Flourish Health Clinic in Midtown Toronto, working to optimize the health and vibrancy of amazing women. At her core, Aisling believes that we were all designed to feel amazing. To achieve this heightened state of wellbeing, she rejects the notion that if her patients aren’t ‘sick’ they are ‘fine’. She uses a thorough patient intake and a variety of diagnostic tools to create individualized health optimization plans so her patients can flourish in all aspects of their lives.
"My reason for being away from my kids, the passion which drives me, is to support women to get pregnant, flourish throughout their pregnancies and return to their former glory and then some as mothers."
Education and Certifications
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, C.C.N.M. & C.O.N.O.
Prescribing Standard of Practice, C.O.N.O.
Intravenous Infusion Therapy Standard of Practice, C.O.N.O.
Bachelor of Science in Human Kinetics, University of Ottawa